No, it wasn't Lebron James for scoring 27 and passing Larry Legend. It wasn't anybody in the NBA. No, it wasn't Travis Snyder and after the tumble he took, it definitely wasn't Carlos Gomez. Badass of the weekend goes to the 16 year old kid who hopped a fence at the airport in San Jose, California ran across the tarmac and climbed his way up into the wheel well of a plane headed for Maui, Hawaii. At this point you may be asking, why is this kid a hardo? I mean we've all hopped fences before, for a variety of reasons. Well the answer is that he rode all the way to Hawaii, at 38,000 feet, in an unpressurized cargo hold. Not to mention that at that height, traveling at that speed, temperatures in the wheel well are well below zero. So just to recap, this billy badass hopped a fence at one of the most heavily watched places we have in today's society, managed to run across the tarmac without being spotted or stopped (this was all caught on security cameras), climbed his way up into the wheel well, then survived a five hour flight with no oxygen at sub-zero temperatures. Oh and by the way an expert on this sort of thing (What the hell does he do all day? This shit just doesn't happen all the time.) says that at that temperature, with no oxygen, life expectancy is measured in minutes. Yeah, I mean this kid shouldn't even get in trouble, he should be handed some kind of medal for having a huge dick. Welcome to the Big Ol' Dick Club buddy. This will hence be referred to as the B.O.D.C. in case you come across it in a later article. Mostly because I'm lazy, partially because I think its cooler and marginally because I hate looking at the word "Ol'" when it's actually typed out.
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